

The dry season baseflow duration is calculated as start of the dry season baseflow until the next year's start of the peak magnitude season. This metric is measured in number of days.


  1. The timing of the start of the dry season baseflow period and the start of the peak magnitude season must first be calculated, and then passed into the calculation for the dry season baseflow duration.

    def calc_summer_baseflow_durations_magnitude(flow_matrix, summer_start_dates, fall_flush_dates, fall_flush_wet_dates):
  2. Identify the range of flow data corresponding to the start of the dry season baseflow period until the start of the wet season.

    flow_data_wet = list(flow_matrix[su_date:,column_number]) + list(flow_matrix[:wet_date, column_number])
  3. Calculate the dry season baseflow duration as the number of days in the range from the start of the dry season baseflow period until the start of the wet season, identified in step 3.


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